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Wave 1 of registration began Monday which allows students to register up to 13 credit hours.  MEJO courses are appearing in Connect Carolina as “reserved” however this DOES NOT necessarily mean that the MEJO course is a permission-only course or that it’s closed.  It just means that the course is reserved for MEJO students.

If you encounter students who are experiencing issues getting into MEJO courses or have questions about MEJO courses, please refer them to the Hussman Advising Team.  Virtual drop-in hours are held Monday through Thursday from 9am to 4pm.  Students can also schedule a virtual or in-person meeting with a Hussman adviser at this site.

For permission courses, students must receive approval from the instructor via email and forward the correspondence to the Director of Academic Advising, Sharon Jones ( Please compile a list of students (name and PID) you’ve permitted into the course. 

 Wave 2 of registration will begin on November 6th and allows a student to register for up to 17 credit hours in addition to up to 12 waitlisted credit hours.

Beginning on November 18th at midnight, non-MEJO majors may begin enrolling in our course.  If you receive inquiries from non-MEJO majors, please provide let them know that they will have to wait until this date to register for a MEJO course.

If you have any questions or if you receive inquiries from students, please direct them to email is at

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