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If you’re having issues with your keychain due to having just reset your Onyen password, follow the steps below to get them resolved.

  1. After resetting your password, make sure you log off of your account.
  2. When logging back in using your NEW Onyen Password, the following box will appear: Mac dialog box titled "The system was unable to unlock your login keychain." with a blue button reading "Update Keychain Password"
  3. Click the “Update Keychain Password” button. A new box will appear and ask you for your OLD Onyen Password.
    Mac dialog box titled "Mac OS X wants to use the "login" keychain." with a password field and a blue button labeled "OK."
  4. Enter your OLD Onyen Password into the box and hit OK.

If you do not happen to remember your old Onyen password, hit Create New Keychain instead of Update Keychain Password. Do NOT hit Continue Log In.

If you did, by chance, hit Continue Log In, then read the steps below:

  1. On your Mac, go to your Applications Folder and open the Self Service app Self Service application logo
  2. Run the script titled “Fix My Keychain” in the menu that appears.Mac Self Service portal, with the Reset button under "Reset My Keychain" circled in red.

That’s it! You’re all done.